In our regular news review the GPonline team looks at NHS England's plans to pilot new ways of working in general practice in a bid to ‘optimise the general practice operating model’ - and what this could all mean for the future. They also discuss what the BMA has suggested should be included in the next major overhaul of the GP contract.
They look ahead to next week’s UK conference of local medical committees and discuss some of the key motions up for debate and they talk about the state of GP premises after updated premises cost directions were published last week following many years of delay.
Our good news story this week is about an outreach project that’s taking health services out into deprived communities.
This episode was presented by GPonline editor Emma Bower, deputy editor Nick Bostock and senior news reporter Kimberley Hackett. It was produced by Czarina Deen.
Useful links
- What do the Premises Costs Directions 2024 mean for practices? - on GP Business
- Listen to the podcast episode where Emma and Nick talked about the Fuller stocktake when it was first published.
- BMA sets out demands for 'new substantive GP contract'
- How safe working limits for GPs should change to reflect complexity
- LMCs to debate mass resignation and 'triple lock' linking GP contract to inflation