Newly-qualified GPs

Advice and information for GPs starting out in their careers. For GP vacancies visit our GP Jobs website.

Advice for newly-qualified GPs

Preparing for your first appraisal as a GP

Dr Prashini Naidoo provides advice for GP trainees approaching the end of their training...

A young female GP typing on a  laptop

The transition from GP registrar to independent practice

Practical advice for GP registrars approaching the end of their training.

Developing a GP portfolio career

Portfolio careers are becoming increasingly popular in general practice. Dr Anish...

Wellbeing for GPs: Advice for newly-qualified GPs

Dr Anish Kotecha offers new GPs some practical tips on how to ensure their wellbeing...

10 tips for newly-qualified GPs

Medical Protection medicolegal adviser and GP Dr Rachel Birch shares her top tips...

GP careers: Next steps after GP training

As Dr Patrice Baptiste comes to the end of her training, she highlights the career...

Why being a GP partner is still a great career choice

Being a GP partner provides greater opportunities for continuity of care and allows...

How 'young GP' groups can support newly-qualified GPs

Joining a 'young GP' group can provide valuable support and ongoing education for...

Starting out as a GP locum

Becoming a locum can be daunting, but there are some practical steps GPs can take...

Starting as a GP partner: Getting to know your practice

In this three-part guide for new GP partners, Dr Tillmann Jacobi provides some practical...

Starting as a GP partner: Working with the practice team and your CPD

In the third part of this three-part guide, Dr Tillmann Jacobi looks at working with...

Starting as a GP partner: Ensuring the new partnership is a success

In the second part of this three-part guide, Dr Tillmann Jacobi provides some tips...