SEARCH HELP's search allows simple single or multiple searches against our huge archive of articles. However, a few, simple, techniques allow you to get even more out of its search function.
You can create even more sophisticated searches using operators, which are special words used in the search/keyword field such as "AND" to ensure the search works in a specific way.
This operator allows a search to return results that contain any of the search terms you provide. However it is the default and therefore you do not need to provide it.
Example: A search for marketing OR research is the same as : marketing research as the search defaults to the OR operator
This operator ensures that all words can be found in each of the search results
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the words marketing and research – but not necessarily in that order or next to each – just somewhere in the article.
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: marketing AND research
The "+" operator ensures term after the "+" symbol exists somewhere in each search result.
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the words marketing but may or may not contain research.
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: +marketing research
The "-" operator ensures term after the "-" symbol DOES NOT exists somewhere in each search result.
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the words marketing but must not contain research".
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: marketing -research
The "+" operator excludes words that you do NOT want to be found anywhere in the search results.
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the words marketing but DO NOT contain research.
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: marketing NOT research
If you wish to search against multiple words as an exact phrase, you can do this using .
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the exact phrase martin sorrell.
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: martin sorrel
Combining operators – Advanced Searches
You can combine the operators above to create complex, grouped searches using parentheses.
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the phrase martin sorrell and MUST mention WPP
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: martin sorrel AND WPP
Example: You wish to search for articles that contain the words Martin Sorrell AND either WPP or Carat
Solution: Enter this into the keywords field: martin sorrel AND (WPP OR carat)