Video: RCGP president Dr Terry Kemple sets out his priorities for the role
New RCGP president Dr Terry Kemple took up his post last week. In his first interview since taking u...

New RCGP president Dr Terry Kemple wants the college to think outside the box
Dr Terry Kemple says becoming RCGP president makes him something like the 'monarch' of the college, ...

Local authority cuts damaging NHS services, say CCGs
Local authority funding cuts are negatively affecting health service performance, local NHS finance ...

RCGP Scotland chairman Dr Miles Mack explains the key issues for Scottish GPs
Dr Miles Mack has spent his first year as RCGP Scotland chairman highlighting a long list of issues ...

New RCGP vice-chair Professor Kamila Hawthorne keen to promote GP careers
Professor Kamila Hawthorne's new role as joint vice-chair of RCGP council comes with the key respons...

RCGP chair Dr Maureen Baker continues the fight for more GP funding
In her first two years as chairwoman of the RCGP, Dr Maureen Baker has made a significant mark on th...

How pharmacies are helping to reduce pressure on GPs
New schemes to divert patients seeking treatment for minor ailments from GPs to community pharmacies...

Why are medical indemnity fees rising?
Why has the cost of medical indemnity for GPs increased so significantly and what can be done to add...

GPs in care.data pilots prepare for scheme's launch
care.data pathfinder sites are due to go live in the next few weeks, but many GPs are still concerne...

What Fit for Work means for GPs
Fit for Work, which is now available across England, Wales and Scotland, aims to support GPs in mana...