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Man with hair loss

Hair loss - red flag symptoms

Red flag symptoms and possible causes of hair loss, including advice on useful assessments and basel...

Erythema - red flag symptoms

Red flag symptoms, including signs of Lyme disease, in patients presenting with erythema (redness of...

Skin rashes – red flag symptoms

Dr Anish Kotecha highlights red flag symptoms associated with presentations of rash, and lists possi...

Ulcer location: clue to aetiology (Photograph: SPL)

Red flag symptoms - Leg ulcers

The causes of leg ulcers, examination, initial investigations and red flag symptoms warranting furth...

Changing moles - red flag symptoms

An overview of red flag symptoms to consider when assessing changing moles, including signs that may...

Examine the nipple, including the colour and nature of the discharge (Photograph: SPL)

Red flag symptoms - Nipple discharge

Dr Mehul Mathukia highlights reasons for concern with this presentation....

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