Becoming a GP locum: Invoicing and expenses
In an extract from MPS and the National Association for Sessional GPs (NASGP)’s ‘Becoming a GP locum...

Becoming a GP locum: Setting your terms
In an extract from MPS and the National Association for Sessional GPs (NASGP)’s ‘Becoming a GP locum...
Becoming a GP locum: Setting your rates
In an extract from MPS and the National Association for Sessional GPs (NASGP)’s ‘Becoming a GP locum...

How locum GPs should handle patient complaints
MDU medico-legal adviser Dr Kathryn Leask explains the particular challenges for locums when dealing...

Developing a GP portfolio career
Portfolio careers are becoming increasingly popular in general practice. Dr Anish Kotecha suggests s...

Minimising risk as a GP locum
Working in unfamiliar surroundings means locum GPs need to take extra steps to mitigate risks and en...

Succeed as a locum with MIMS Learning
MIMS Learning has launched 4 learning plans worth over 21 CPD credits to give you advice on key aspe...

How GPs can reduce risk when working in unscheduled care
A few simple steps can help make out-of-hours and unscheduled care safer and reduce the risk of comp...

Marketing yourself as a GP locum
Effective marketing can help GP locums find new work opportunities and secure more bookings. Dr Rich...

Why GP locums should join a chambers
There are many benefits to being part of a chambers if you are a locum GP, but what can you do if th...