Dr Zoe Norris: Salaried and locum GPs can help solve NHS workforce crisis
It's time the NHS woke up to the fact that GPs opting for salaried and locum roles can be part of th...

GPs choosing locum roles to cap workload, BMA poll reveals
More than three quarters of locum GPs say they have chosen to work in locum roles to have control ov...

Starting out as a GP locum
Becoming a locum can be daunting, but there are some practical steps GPs can take to help make the t...

Lack of sessional GP representation 'risks credibility' of LMCs
The credibility of LMCs could be 'seriously undermined' and much of the profession disenfranchised u...

Exclusive: GPs are ditching partnership roles to start locum careers
GPs are continuing to abandon partnership roles in favour of locum work, a survey suggests....

Locum GPs should use social media to influence BMA
Social media can help locum and salaried GPs influence BMA policy and tackle professional isolation,...

How to prepare yourself for home visits as a locum
Home visits are often more challenging than practice-based consultations, particularly for locums. M...

Indicative £80 per hour GP locum rate is less than most practices pay
An indicative maximum £80-per-hour locum pay rate set by NHS England could force GP practices in man...

GPC must end 'disconnect' with locum and salaried GPs, says new sessional chair
GPC sessional commitee chairwoman Dr Zoe Norris has highlighted improving communication between locu...

Exclusive: GPs could ditch practice contracts to work in chambers, says senior GPC member
GPs should consider handing back practice contracts en masse and working for the NHS through chamber...